Do you have any sales or coupons right now?

We do run sales rarely and we do send specific coupon codes.

Sales are always noted on the site.

If there's a sale running you'll know it because it will be noted on every product that is on sale. You can't miss it.

  1. If you want to know about sales, please subscribe at Our subscribers always know about sales (and SMS subscribers know about flash sales that sell out in minutes).

Coupon codes are sent out on a specific basis.

  1. If you find a code on a coupon code site, it probably doesn't work and it shouldn't be on the site.
  2. To get "in" on any codes we do have active, you'll want to join up at We give out codes for specific reasons, and subscribers get them.

Coupon codes are disabled during sales.

If there's a sale running, expect any code to NOT WORK UNTIL AFTER THE SALE!

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