
  • 45 Degree Slingshot Frame Hold and Aiming

    What about the 45ยบ hold with the frame hand?
  • Aiming Production vs Natural Slingshot

    The aiming method is the same for all slingshots but can vary due to bands and other factors but the same aiming system is used.
  • Best practice distance

    The standard distance is 10m but if starting out, start closer like 15 feet away and develop your form. Use paper to find out exactly where your shots are hitting. Once you have a good consistent group, move back further.
  • Can TTF bands be shot OTT

    All SimpleShot bands come tied in what some call the TTF (Through the Forks) orientation. This refers to the way the pouch is attached to the latex (folded twice, not once). Occasionally we get a question about using a so-called TTF band in an OTT configuration. Sometimes shooters will be concern...
  • Shooting Moving Targets

    Hitting moving targets is difficult. This requires knowing the time it takes for the ammo to reach that distance as well as knowing where that target will be at that time as well. Start with hitting targets that are swinging. A bean or soup can hanging on a sting is a great place to start. Remem...