Why is my wrap and tuck attachment not holding?

If your wrap and tuck is not holding, there is likely a weakness in material or technique.

If your band is slipping off the frame, one of the following is likely to blame:

  1. Wrong tie-in material
  2. No foundation wrap on the frame
  3. No second fold and tie-in of the band

We recommend our Band Tying Tape for the best results, but a rubber band (check for degradation of the rubber though), or scraps of latex work fine.

Some frames are slicker than others and require a more careful tie-in to secure the band. When you have a frame like that please follow the instructions carefully as shown in this video: https://youtu.be/3YqJM4Qeqjs

Pay careful attention to the step demonstrating the foundation wraps. These few wraps add strength to the tie in. Make sure they are tight.

Make sure you are utilizing the secondary tie-in after folding up the end of the bandset.

When these steps are followed and the material is stretched tight throughout, the band will be held securely to the frame.

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