Slingshot Tournaments

  • Competitive Shooting Tips

    Know your equipment, be consistent, and have a good mindset. Use the frame you shoot the best. Stick with that frame and the ammo size you shoot the best. Keep your taper and bands the same so that you have the same amount of predictability all the time.
  • I want to start a slingshot club!

    We have seen lots of chatter online recently about starting local clubs (yeah, we pay attention). Let me start by saying we think it is great to see this love spreading and the want/desire to share it with others! 🥰 While we would love for there to be local slingshot clubs everywhere so that sho...
  • Organizing a Slingshot Tournament

    We love to see people starting new slingshot tournaments all over the world. In our experience, there are several things to keep in mind when planning your event. Safety As the event organizer, it is your responsibility to establish safety guidelines for all participants. Make EVERYONE in the v...
  • Slingshot Clubs

    Are you looking for a place to shoot your slingshot? Looking for slingshot clubs? There are not too many slingshot clubs in the USA. However, in Europe and China, they are very popular. If you can't find a slingshot club in your area... start one! We are glad to help you out. Just put the word o...
  • Slingshots in the Olympics?

    We sure hope to see slingshot shooting in the Olympics but we don't know when that will occur.