Organizing a Slingshot Tournament

We love to see people starting new slingshot tournaments all over the world. In our experience, there are several things to keep in mind when planning your event.


As the event organizer, it is your responsibility to establish safety guidelines for all participants. Make EVERYONE in the vicinity of the shooting range wear safety glasses at ALL times, and do not allow anyone to aim slingshots at another person for any reason, even when not loaded. Ensure there is no personal property immediately down range of the shooting area that could be damaged, and if you are using a backdrop, make sure it is archery-grade and can withstand all impacts.


To maximize your pool of participants, don't regulate the slingshots people can use too much. If you do, consider making different events for each slingshot variant (e.g., wrist braces vs. no wrist braces, handmade vs. manufactured, slingshots vs. sling bows). Depending on your targets, you may consider regulating ammo sizes (all other variables held equal, larger rounds have a greater chance of hitting the target). In the USA, 3/8" is the most commonly used ammo size in tournaments.


There are a multitude of established slingshot marksmanship events, such as Spanish Knockdown, Field Course, Speed Shoot, and many others. The specific rules vary between tournaments, but you can always create your own event. A simple idea is to create a printable image containing concentric circles of your desired size. You can assign point values to each circle and give each participant a certain number of shots at the target, adding up their points afterward to generate a final score. You can then rank your participants based on their scores. A common shooting distance at tournaments is 10m (33 ft).


The internet is your best friend when it comes to finding participants for your tournament. Facebook hosts several large slingshot groups for different regions, which will be the easiest way for you to get the word out. There are also various slingshot forums with countless users who would likely be interested.

Have fun!

Slingshots are all about enjoyment and camaraderie, and your tournament's atmosphere should reflect that regardless of its level of competition or expertise. Always feel free to contact us for further info and guidance!

Jan 22, 2025

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