I want to start a slingshot club!

We have seen lots of chatter online recently about starting local clubs (yeah, we pay attention). Let me start by saying we think it is great to see this love spreading and the want/desire to share it with others! 🥰

While we would love for there to be local slingshot clubs everywhere so that shooters can meet up and enjoy two of the best aspects of our sport, "marksmanship" and "fellowship with others" (as you all know, we have a great group in this hobby/sport), we want to just give a couple of things to think about since we would rather see your club succeed (then we will share some other info 😉).

Let's start with the modern era necessities. First off: SimpleShot is not an attorney, and this article is by no means any form of legal counsel, policy, advice, or anything else that would make SimpleShot responsible/liable for anything with your club (success or failure thereof). It's safe to say, these days you should probably consider an attorney, insurance, waivers, etc., with the last two being a must in our opinion. Some other things to consider are the individual building/room. Each place is different, so different problems may occur, such as windows, lights, ceiling damage (if low), and walls (what happens when someone misses the target). Protective measures must be used not only for the safety of the shooters but also for the building/room, as well as out of respect for those that own it. These safety measures and devices needed will be different at each location. The building/room must be long enough to have a shooting section long enough to shoot (10 meters indoor) plus have tables and chairs or whatever you wish to have there for the ones not shooting.

That moves us into our next point, cost. There is a cost to starting a club: ammo, club frames, bands, targets, big catch boxes (even if homemade), safety equipment (blankets, cloth, boards, whatever is used), plus the cost of renting the building or usage fees, insurance, and possibly more. Not to mention any of the other things you may want to include. Where will that money come from? You may want to look at an outdoor area, as that may help to avoid some expenses as well. While it is nice to shoot indoors, the outdoor option may eliminate some of the risk potential for property damage. Also, if there are dues and fees associated with the club, you may be running a business by your state's laws and will need to file all the correct paperwork for permits, taxes, etc., as such. Again, we're not attorneys here, but you will want to talk with one or two in your own state, which is another cost.

If you are still reading and not discouraged yet, great😁! Now here is some good news: the WSA (World Slingshot Association) has all the rules for competition as a downloadable PDF. Click this link (Rules WSA - World Slingshot Association | WSASlingshot.com). If you are holding any sort of tournament (with the exception of kids and beginners), it is best to use the set standards for scoring and equipment. One major benefit to this is the ability for shooters to visit another club and be able to shoot his/her normal setup. Another huge factor is that all sports have their established scoring system, and so does slingshot shooting; let's use it. Sure, have fun practicing at anything, but we should all use one standard for scoring, and the WSA has done that. This keeps things good and fair so that we all have an even playing field.

Lots of shooters are willing to donate to a good cause like a club. Some of the things you may be able to get donated are frames, ammo, band sets, help working on projects, or help with coaching youth or new shooters. Be sure to do the research and make sure you will have people in attendance as well. Perhaps advertise and hold a single-day event introducing them to slingshots. This will also help you gauge the interest level in your local area. Don't forget to collect names and emails of all those that are interested in attending so that they can be contacted later if you have enough people to make a club worth the time and expenses.

Like we said, we would love to see more clubs, but we want you to know some of the possible problems and tasks you may not be thinking of. It is not easy to get a club of any sort going. There is a lot of work that goes into it. We also want to see more shooters using these scoring standards. Let's all help each other to become better shooters. Shoot safe and shoot straight.

Jan 22, 2025

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