What is the difference between ‘OTT’ and ‘TTF’?

OTT stands for "Over The Top". TTF stands for "Through The Forks".

An OTT slingshot has bands that attach on the TOP of the fork and are pulled back OVER the fork.
A TTF slingshot has bands that attach on the SIDES of the fork and are pulled back AROUND the fork.

Which is better? Neither is necessarily better than the other, it really comes down to personal preference.

A few things to keep in mind:  When shooting TTF, the projectile is actually traveling between the forks.  As such, a clean release is necessary or one may encounter fork hits.  If you have  a ‘flip’ style shot, it is wise to only shoot OTT.

Here's a video about the two styles.

The Ocularis™ Banding System is the only system available today that allows for fast switching from OTT to TTF. Literally five seconds is all it takes to convert. Just turn the plug and dial in your shooting style!

Learn more about the Ocularis System here

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