
  • Alternative Slingshot Pouch Grip Styles

    If you find your fingers sore from shooting, it would be beneficial to switch to lighter bands as you develop your form.
  • Are lasers helpful or a gimmick for slingshot aiming?

    Lasers cannot be accurate with the way ammo drops, air tempature changes, and latex wears.
  • Best Hunting Ammo

    Lead balls carry more energy since lead has a higher density than steel and are considered the best option for hunting purposes. Shot placement is key. If using Steel Ammo, it is best to use 3/8"-1/2" so that the ammo has enough weight to be leathal. This is dependant upon your using bands that ...
  • Best practice distance

    The standard distance is 10m but if starting out, start closer like 15 feet away and develop your form. Use paper to find out exactly where your shots are hitting. Once you have a good consistent group, move back further.
  • Can I use 3/8 Clay Slingshot Ammo for Hunting?

    Clay ammo is light, we do not recommend hunting with Clay Ammo even if it can be done.
  • Fiber Optic Sights for Slingshots: Good or Gimmick

    While not a real "sight", YES, a Fiber Optic Reference Point can be very helpful and in no way is a gimmick.
  • How can I improve my grip on the slingshot pouch?

    If you find the pouch slips out of your grip too easily, you can tie the bands using the rough side for better grip.
  • How does slingshot fork width affect slingshot accuracy?

    The small differences in the fork width make little difference in speed or power. Your impact point may change due to fork width thus requiring the use of a different anchor point to have the reference point on target.
  • How the wrist is used

    Our bodies and holding styles are all different!
  • Is there a slingshot paradox similar to the archers paradox?

    There is not a slingshot paradox as the ammo is not going around the riser like that of a bow.
  • Matching Bands and Ammo

    I want to shoot the most powerful bands available. Can I do that? I want to shoot the most powerful bands available, can I do that? Sure, you can shoot really heavy bands but it is important to keep in mind that heavy bands don’t always translate into a faster shot. Heavy bands require heavy am...
  • OTT Slingshot Band Twist - Is the A or V formation better?

    Either way will work but make sure you stay consistent and do it the same way each time.
  • Proper slingshot hold and follow through

    The concept of follow through is doing it the same way every time.
  • Shoulder issues

    Shooting slingshots can help or hinder your shoulder. Be sure to talk with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you. Be sure to keep it light!
  • Show us how to load a slingshot with one hand!

    Practice is the only way to get better at any skill.
  • Slingshot Follow-through

    Follow through is fine, so is a solid stationary frame hold. The key is to do it the same each time. Stay consistent.
  • Slingshot Frame Orientation

    Holding the frame horizontal in the gangster grip, you can sight down the bands with the top fork corner being the reference point. There is no such reference point holding the frame upright towards the heavens with the hammer grip. The key is finding what feels the best for you and sticking to ...
  • Slingshot Pouch Release

    The key is a good clean release and not so much where the ammo and pouch is held.
  • Slingshot Pouch Tweak or Twist

    There is no harm if a twist helps you have a better anchor point and you do it consistently, keep on doing it.
  • Tangled Bandsets

    The longer the bands are, the easier they will tangle. To untangle them, start at the fork tip and hook the band with your finger while bringing your finger to the pouch. This will untwist the bands.
  • Top 3 Tips for beginner slingshot shooting

    3 things beginner should know and uderstand: Understand Latex: how latex works and reacts. Understand the simple physics: how ammo is propelled by the latex. Practice practice practice, it is a skill to develope.
  • Torque Fork Hits

    The Torque is not a beginner slingshot. The Torque has a narrow fork gap and the wide fork tips. This means you have higher odds of a fork hit if you have not perfected your release.
  • What does "Aim Long, Aim Wrong" mean when it comes to slingshot shooting?

    "Aim long, aim wrong" means spending a long time at full draw allows bands to cool off and not retract as quickly back to the relaxed state. In cooler temperatures (65F and below), the heat lost in the latex from the cooler weather will slow the shot speed.
  • What do I do when my slingshot band is wider than the slingshot forktip?

    To get bands that are wider than the fork tips to fit, you can fold them to get them to fit or wrap the bands ends around the edge of the fork tips. Be sure to have them centered on the fork tips.
  • What is Active band length?

    Do your bands seem sluggish or not powerful? You need to tune your bands for best performance. Your active band length is the length of the bands or tubes from where they attach to the slingshot to the pouch. This length is determined by dividing your draw length by 5. To learn how to measure y...
  • What is Hand Slap?

    Are your bands hitting your hand after the shot? We can help with that! Are the bands hitting you in the knuckles when the shot is let off?  This can be avoided, and yes, it can be painful and irritating. Hand slap is the result of the bands being too powerful for the projectile and is most com...
  • What is the difference between ‘OTT’ and ‘TTF’?

    OTT stands for "Over The Top". TTF stands for "Through The Forks". An OTT slingshot has bands that attach on the TOP of the fork and are pulled back OVER the fork. A TTF slingshot has bands that attach on the SIDES of the fork and are pulled back AROUND the fork. Which is better? Neither is nec...
  • What's the best slingshot for kids?

    The Scout LT is the best option for kids. Be sure to have them start close and with Rubber or Clay Ammo. This will help set them up for success. Be sure to use a target that is large enough for them to hit so they experience the thrill of hitting their target.
  • What the most unusual thing you've ever shot from a slingshot?

    Accuracy is best with spherical ammo, but many round objects can be shot as ammo.
  • Which bandset is best for clay ammo?

    When it comes to shooting clay, The Clay Shooting Flat Bands are the best option for all of our Clay Ammo sizes. Start with your bands long (for low elongation/power) and shorten them (for increasing elongation/power) until you find that sweet spot for you. Underpowered clay is boring. Overpower...
  • Why do my bands seem sluggish in cold weather?

    Slingshot bands send the projectile down range based on how quickly they can retract to their relaxed state When a slingshot band is drawn out, internal friction creates heat within the bands.  It is this latent heat that allows the bands to retract to their relaxed length quickly.   When the am...