A SimpleShot frame is far better than the slingshot you get at Walmart.
SimpleShot frames are far more ergonomic, comfortable to shoot, and just cool. Wrist Rockets are not so ergonomic with their boxy handles and wire frames.
But the main reason is not the frame as much as it is the latex!
Big box stores carry slingshots that sit on the shelf for months, maybe years. There's UV light on them all day every day. So how do they make up for the degradation that happens to the bands all that time? They just put way too much on the slingshot! Wrist Rockets have VERY thick tubes that are very hard to draw, yet don't shoot smooth or fast. SimpleShot slingshots are renowned for their light, smooth draw and incredible speeds!
You can get a wire frame wrist rocket style slingshot and shoot slow with a heavy draw or shoot in style with an ergonomically designed SimpleShot frame with lightning fast bands that are a joy to shoot.