"Awaiting Fulfillment" means:
- We’ve successfully received your order.
- We’re preparing your order for shipping.
- Your order has not yet shipped, but it’s in process.
There’s nothing you need to do while your order is in this status—we’re working hard to get it shipped as quickly as possible! Once your order ships, you’ll get a shipping confirmation email.
Note: If today’s date is between November 15th and December 31st, please expect this status to last a bit longer than usual. We appreciate your patience as we prepare your order for shipping.
*** During this period, please allow up to 7 business days to receive your shipping confirmation.***
If your order is still showing "Awaiting Fulfillment" after 7 days (from Nov 15 to Dec 31), please reach out to us HERE.
From Jan 1 to Nov 15, please contact us via chat if your order hasn’t shipped after 3 days.